“A Christian leader’s resource guide for mental health and soul care needs”

The vision of heartsoul.care website is to build up the global Chinese Christian church to minister to mental health and spiritual needs.

This platform seeks to curate relevant resources and make them accessible, so that Christians leaders and practitioners can have a more informed understanding of issues faced in mental and spiritual health. 

The counseling information and tools on this site represent a variety of approaches, including clinical counseling, christian counseling, biblical counseling, pastoral counseling. Spiritual formation and soul care perspectives are also featured.

Resources are drawn from both Christian and secular sources, with differing viewpoints presented; a link does not represent an endorsement. Users are invited to view the content on this site with discernment and judgement. (Please read our Terms of Use.)

May you find heartsoul.care useful in your equipping for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up, and in turn serve the world with compassion and grace. 





我們衷心希望heartsoul.care網站將裝備您去做服事的工作, 建立基督的身體,以至於可以更多用愛心和恩典服侍世界。




我們衷心希望heartsoul.care網站將裝備您去做服事的工作, 建立基督的身體,以至於可以更多用愛心和恩典服侍世界。